What many touchscreen companies are trying to do with their focus on "In-Vehicle Audio/Video Technology" has been so successful that the technology and services company Bosch has received the CES Innovation Award 2016 in Las Vegas for it. Namely, to design a haptic touch display for the car whose infotainment applications such as navigation, radio or smartphone functions can be operated without distracting the driver from what is happening on the road.

More safety for drivers

For us humans, haptic properties (e.g. size, surface texture, temperature, compliance, etc.) are very important and often also of decisive importance when deciding on a thing. The Bosch Group has put this knowledge into practice in its innovative touchscreen. The new touchscreen is equipped with this haptic feedback. The touch with the fingertips is sufficient to give the driver feedback not only by means of visual and acoustic signals but also by means of haptic elements.

The feel of real buttons

In order for the haptic touch display to work in this way, it was equipped with two sensors. The classic touch sensor provides feedback on the strength of the finger pressure. However, a light touch does not immediately trigger a function. The driver has the opportunity to feel the different surface structures by means of specially developed software and mechanics. This is because rough, smooth or patterned surfaces stand for different buttons and functions. Once he has felt the right person, he simply presses it harder and triggers the desired reaction. Like a real button.

The following video shows what the whole thing will look like in the car of the future.

Since driving safety is important to many car manufacturers, we are already very excited to see in which vehicles we will encounter the technology first.
Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 24. October 2020
Reading time: 3 minutes