So far, touchscreens are always designed for a specific device in terms of size and shape. However, this does not have to be the case in the future. At the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken, research in the field of sensory films has been going on for years. With success, as the following video shows.

Control unit is located in the middle

Simon Olberding's doctoral thesis, for example, deals with electronic foil that is equipped with sensors like a touchscreen. If he connects the film to a PC, it reacts to finger pressure in the same way as a touchscreen. The special thing about the doctoral student's research is that the film is cut into shape with scissors at will and still works. This is possible because the control unit is placed in the middle of the foil and the wires connect each sensor separately from there. Thus, the functionality of the central area is guaranteed, even if outdoor areas are eliminated by the cut. Incidentally, the sensory film is printed electronics that can be produced inexpensively because it contains nanosilver particles.

In industrial manufacturing processes such as automotive manufacturing, the film could be used, for example, when it comes to producing model-dependent touchscreens for interiors.
Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 02. January 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes