In recent years, printed electronics and related display technologies have made great strides. Now there is a new report by analyst Dr. Khasha Ghaffarzadeh from the market research company "IDTechEx" with market forecasts for the next 10 years for electrically conductive ink.

Conductive inks and pastes

The market forecasts reflect the current status in terms of quantities and values. In addition, the critical points are also highlighted, especially with regard to the individual competitors in the field of conductive ink and paste technologies. These include silver nanoparticles, stretchable inks, copper, PTFs, IME inks and much more.

The report provides a detailed analysis of more than 17 existing and new applications where conductive ink can be used. These include, for example, e-textiles, 3D antennas, printed 3D electronics, touchscreen edge electrodes, desktop PCB printers, ITO replacements, OLED lighting and many other possibilities.

Everything changes

In any case, the market report makes one thing clear. Namely, that everything will change in terms of conductive inks and pastes. Prices will almost reach the current market prices for metal (up to $ 1.7trillion in 2026). Microscopic silver conductive pastes will dominate the market. In addition, silver nanoparticles are proving to be increasingly competitive. On the other hand, copper will have comparatively little success due to previously immature technologies.

Further information, as well as the full report of IDTechEx, is available at the URL mentioned in our reference.

Definition of printed electronics

Electrically conductive ink is interesting for printed electronics (also known as "printed electronics"). With their help, electrically functional components, applications or assemblies are produced by means of printing processes. The electrically conductive ink (consisting of organic or inorganic semiconductors) is used both in liquid form or as a paste. The possible applications are interesting for numerous sectors such as medicine, vehicle construction, industry and military.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 03. November 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes