


The world of electronics development is one of rapid advancement and intricate demands. Navigating these challenges requires more than just technical knowledge; it requires a partner who understands your unique needs and delivers solutions tailored to your applications. Interelectronix is that partner, with decades of expertise in creating high-performance, application-specific electronics. We don’t just build electronics; we craft solutions that align perfectly with your vision and requirements. Let us show you how our methodical approach, combined with multidisciplinary experience, can transform your project from concept to reality.

The Power of Experience and Methodology

In the realm of electronics development, experience and methodology are critical. Our team of seasoned developers brings a wealth of knowledge to every project, ensuring that we can quickly design and deliver high-performance electronics tailored to specific applications. This methodical approach allows us to address the unique challenges and opportunities of each project with precision.

By leveraging over 20 years of experience and an extensive project portfolio, we can provide reliable forecasts on technological feasibility and cost frameworks early in the definition phase of HMI systems. This foresight is invaluable for our clients, allowing them to plan and budget effectively while avoiding potential pitfalls.

Custom Baseboards for Unique Solutions

Standard solutions may not always meet the specific needs of your project. That’s why we focus on creating individually developed baseboards for Computer-on-Modules. Our approach begins with a thorough understanding of your technology and usability concepts. From there, we determine the necessary performance characteristics for the processor and memory, specify all electronic components, and develop application-specific single-board computers.

This bespoke approach ensures that the CPU unit, I/O functionalities, and interfaces are perfectly matched to the hardware requirements of the embedded HMI system being developed. The result is a seamless integration of hardware and software, providing a superior user experience.

Seamless Integration with In-House Software Development

Hardware and software must work in harmony to create effective electronic solutions. At Interelectronix, our in-house software department collaborates closely with our hardware developers. This synergy allows us to coordinate firmware, kernel, and driver development perfectly with the hardware design.

The outcome is a functionally optimized and cost-effective solution delivered in the shortest possible time. This integrated approach ensures that every component of the HMI system works together seamlessly, enhancing performance and user satisfaction.

Efficient Solutions with Microcontrollers

Sometimes, a simple microcontroller solution is the most efficient way to offload tedious tasks from the main CPU. By incorporating microcontrollers to handle specific functions, we can free the main processor to focus on more critical tasks, enhancing the overall performance of the system. This approach not only streamlines operations but also reduces power consumption and improves system reliability.

Eliminating Time-Consuming In-House Developments

Developing electronics in-house can be a time-consuming and costly process. Our baseboard design concept offers a practical alternative, especially for small and medium-sized product series. By creating a baseboard that allows for easy module exchanges, we enable future adaptations of both performance and function without extensive redevelopment.

This flexibility is a significant advantage, saving our clients from the need for continuous in-house development and allowing them to focus on their core competencies. With Interelectronix, you gain a partner dedicated to keeping your solutions future-proof and adaptable to evolving requirements.

Ensuring Long-Term Success with Detailed Documentation and Maintenance

A robust development process doesn’t end with the delivery of a product. At Interelectronix, we provide detailed product documentation and commit to long-term hardware and software maintenance. This ongoing support ensures that the solutions we develop remain viable and effective well into the future.

Our comprehensive documentation covers every aspect of the product, facilitating easy updates and modifications as needed. This commitment to future-proofing our solutions means our clients can rely on their investments to continue delivering value over time.

Why Interelectronix?

Choosing the right partner for your electronics development project is crucial. With Interelectronix, you gain a team with unparalleled expertise, a methodical approach, and​⬤