In November 2014, the American web platform "Research and Markets", which offers a large collection of independent industry reports and forecasts on various topics, published a market report on capacitive sensors for non-glass surfaces (covers). The report is titled "Non-Glass Capacitive Sensors Market by Type, Application and Geography - Global Trends and Forecast to 2014 - 2020".

Forecasts for 2020 included

The market report, which is over 200 pages long, contains forecasts from 2014 to 2020 in the areas of type (e.g. plastics, such as PMMA, PC, PET PETG and others, ITO film, non-ITO film and sapphire), as well as commercial applications and consumer applications, as well as geographical and global trends.

Market will cross the $35 million mark

According to the report, the so-called "Non-Glass Capacitive Sensor Market" is likely to exceed $35.1 million in 2020. The report provides analysis and detailed market insights. It also sheds light on what is driving the market, what restrictions but also what opportunities are available.

The screenshot below shows which companies are listed in this report.

One factor that will have a negative impact on growth is, for example, difficulties in manufacturing and manufacturing processes related to the new technologies. The products in this area are not yet completely tamper-proof and are still in the development phase.

Consumers are getting younger and younger

However, as buyers' preferences shift more to PCs, tablets and smartphones, and consumers spend an ever-increasing proportion of their income on consumer electronics, something needs to change in manufacturing. The consumer is getting younger and younger, which will ensure that the market will move towards large-format devices with lower manufacturing costs, lower power consumption, as well as more scratch-resistant, flexible surfaces. Global growth in the capacitive sensor market is already discernible.

The full report with detailed information and further forecasts can be purchased at the URL of our source.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

עודכן ב-: 03. July 2023
זמן קריאה: 3 דקות