Metal mesh as a competitor for ITO

Not so long ago, the use of metal meshes as transparent electrical conductors (TCs) was unthinkable. The reason was the insufficient transparency of the product. Since this performance deficit is now a thing of the past, Metal Mesh is proving to be a serious competitor to ITO (indium tin oxide). Especially in areas where large panels are necessary.

In the past, metal-based transparent electrical conductors were lumped together, but the TC industry now distinguishes between two types of metal mesh:

  1. Metal mesh, in which the metal consists of a regular grid structure
  2. Metal mesh with nanowire structure. Here, many small metal structures form a random network.

The Future of Metal Mesh

The report examines various ways in which the use of metal mesh will prove to be particularly promising in the coming years. These include touch panels with different display sizes, mobile phones, tablet PCs, as well as laptops. Since the profit limit for small displays is very low or non-existent, Metal Mesh suppliers who take advantage of the opportunity to enter the market for large displays have a good chance of survival in the long run.

We recommend that you read the full report for an in-depth, international market analysis. It is divided into different chapters. Above all, he focuses on the technology itself and its possibilities, he shows different applications and markets that are suitable for Metal Mesh, lists companies that should be kept in mind for the next few years and provides a 7-year forecast.

The information was compiled on the basis of a report excerpt from the market research company NanoMarkets.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 17. July 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes