For seven years, industry analyst NanoMarkets has been following the global market for transparent electrical conductors (TCs = Transparent Conductors). With its market analyses, the company provides reliable insider knowledge and regularly makes it available to the public. According to the latest report Transparent Conductor Markets 2014-2021 (REPORT # Nano-735) dated August 20, 2014, the global transparent conductor market (TCs) is expected to reach the $4.6 trillion (USD) sales mark by 2019, up from today's value of $640 million (USD).

ITO (indium tin oxide)

According to NanoMarkets, ITO (indium tin oxide) will only account for 60 percent of the TC market, and that's when ITO's sales are at their peak. NanoMarkets remains optimistic about alternative transparent leaders, but believes this report is a more realistic assessment of the TC sector than other industry sources cited.

Indium tin oxide is a semiconducting substance that is largely transparent in visible light. ITO coatings are used when a conductive as well as translucent coating on glass (or plastic) is required. ITO glass is suitable, for example, for the production of optically transparent electrodes to dissipate static charges from glass surfaces and is used in other special applications, as well as in research. On our website you can see how ITO is used in the construction of GFG Touchscreen Glass Film Glass.

As mentioned at the beginning, this is NanoMarket's latest report on long-standing coverage of the "Transparent Conductor" market. If you want to know more details, you can download the complete report at the URL given in our reference.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 19. July 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes