In today's blog post, we would like to draw attention to Spritz Technology, Inc., a Boston-based start-up company that has focused on its newly developed technology of speed reading on smartphones, smartwatches, tablets and the like. The company, which has offices in Boston, Munich and Salt Lake City, presented its Spritz technology at the Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona in February.

With the help of the new reading technique (injection) it is possible to read up to 1000 words per minute.

Spritz Lesetechnologie 

Quick and easy to learn

Even on small mobile devices, because Spritz breaks down the sentences into individual components. They are then presented to the reader word for word at a pre-selected speed. Individual letters are displayed in red so that you don't lose focus. You can try out how the whole thing works on the manufacturer's website. There, sentences can currently be output at different reading speeds between 250 and 600 wpm (words per minute). Reading with the Spritz technology should be quick and easy to learn. According to the manufacturer, test subjects should have familiarized themselves with the reading method after only 5 minutes. The more you practice, the faster you can work with it and should be able to achieve a reading speed of up to 1000 words per minute in the end.

Language support available

In order to increase the use of Spritz on various websites and mobile devices, the technology is already available in different languages such as German, English, Spanish, Russian and Korean. However, you can't just buy the software, you have to contact a partner who has licensed Spritz's technology and integrated it for its end devices (smartphones, tablets, wearables). We think this is a great idea and are curious to see for which end devices licensees will soon be found. More information can be found on the Spritz website.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 09. August 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes