Touch screens are everywhere, from smartphones and tablets to car infotainment systems. As these devices become more essential in our lives, the challenges in their technology grow too. One critical issue often overlooked is silver migration. This phenomenon can seriously impact the reliability of touch screens, causing malfunctions and failures. At Interelectronix, we understand these challenges and are dedicated to finding solutions. Read on to learn what silver migration is, its causes, and how we can tackle it.

What is Silver Migration?

Silver migration occurs when silver ions move between conductive paths in electronic devices, leading to electrical shorts.

In touch screens, silver conductive inks are used to print the traces on the substrate materials like glass or polyester films. There traces are typically very thinly spaced to create narrow bezel touch screens. The narrower spaced the more likely is silver migration because the gap to bridge is very small. Under certain conditions (High Humidity - High Voltage - High Heat), silver ions migrate and create bridges between these paths, disrupting the device's functionality. This issue is critical, resulting in defective touch screens. Many touch controller are using high driver voltage to get the desired touch performance and increase the speed of silver migration even more. Typpically in low cost touch screen Polyester is used as a substrate because it is cheap and easy to work with. What many people don´t know is PET is not water proof and water vapour can migrate though and start the silver migration process.

3 Simple Rules for Outdoor Touch Screen in Extendend Temperature Range

  • Glass Touch Sensors are a must
  • MAM is used for the Touch Screen Pattern
  • Low Voltage Touch Controllers

Guess what we are using to build our Touch Screen Monitors ?

Guess what the Automotive Industry is using in Cars ?

Root Causes of Silver Migration

  • Moisture - Moisture is a primary catalyst for silver migration. Water molecules help silver ions move. High humidity or contact with liquids increases the risk of migration, leading to device malfunctions.

  • Voltage - Applying voltage can drive silver ions to migrate. Higher voltages, especially combined with moisture, accelerate this process. This can result in short circuits and device failures.

  • Impurities - Impurities in the silver ink or substrate can facilitate silver migration. These impurities act as pathways or catalysts for ion movement, increasing the risk of electrical shorts.

  • Temperature - High temperatures speed up silver ion movement. Devices that get hot during use, like fast-charging smartphones, are more susceptible to silver migration, leading to potential malfunctions.

  • Physical Stresses -Mechanical forces or bending can create micro-cracks in the conductive paths. These cracks provide new pathways for silver ions, increasing the risk of migration and device failure.

Solutions to Counter Silver Migration

  • Barrier Layers - Adding barrier layers between conductive paths can prevent silver ions from moving. Materials like silicon dioxide or aluminum oxide serve as effective barriers, reducing the risk of migration.

  • Improved Conductive Inks - Researchers are developing alternatives to pure silver inks. By alloying silver with other metals or using nanoparticles, the tendency for migration is reduced, improving the stability of conductive paths.

  • Encapsulation - Encapsulating conductive paths in a protective layer like Molybdenum Aluminum Molybdenum (MAM) can keep moisture and impurities out. This prevents silver migration and enhances the durability of touch screens.

  • Optimized Design - Designing touch screens with wider spacing between conductive paths or changing their layout can reduce the risk of silver migration. Thoughtful design changes can significantly improve device reliability.

  • End-User Awareness - Educating users about the risks of moisture and extreme temperatures can help reduce silver migration. Simple precautions can make a big difference in the longevity of touch screen devices.

  • Thorough Testing - Manufacturers can simulate real-world conditions like humidity, temperature, and voltage stress during testing to ensure touch screens are resilient against silver migration. This helps identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

  • Device Ventilation - Better ventilation in device design can reduce heat buildup, lowering the risk of silver migration. Effective thermal management is crucial for maintaining the stability of conductive paths.

Why Interelectronix

We at Interelectronix have extensive experience in addressing touch screen technology challenges. Our expertise in materials science and device design allows us to provide innovative solutions to issues like silver migration. We understand the importance of reliable touch screens and are dedicated to improving their performance and durability. By partnering with us, you gain access to cutting-edge technology and a commitment to excellence, ensuring your products stand out in a competitive market.

Silver migration is a critical issue that can impact the reliability of touch screens. By understanding its causes and implementing effective solutions, manufacturers can significantly enhance device performance. At Interelectronix, we are here to help you navigate these challenges with our expertise and innovative solutions. Contact us today to learn how we can support your touch screen technology needs.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 02. April 2024
Reading time: 8 minutes