The abbreviation HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. This is a user interface (also known as a human-machine interface (MMS)). In general, a user interface is above all where menus are shown on a display and operated by a human.

HMIs for electromedical devices can often be found:

  • in dental medicine
  • in patient monitoring
  • and patient registration
  • in the operating room
  • in ambulances and ambulances

HMI then and now

In contrast to the past, modern HMIs are controlled via a GUI (Graphical User Interface) with the help of a touch screen. In other words, a user interface that is divided into specific areas and whose functions are stored behind graphic symbols. If, for example, a user controls the function via a touch on the touchscreen, the special command is interpreted and executed by the operating system behind it.

HMI products for electromedical devices are, for example, touchscreen applications for:

  • X-ray machines -Transducers
  • Laboratory analysis equipment
  • Computed tomography scanners
  • Mobile ventilators -Electrocardiography

Such products place very high demands on manufacturers in terms of easy cleaning and sterility, safety as well as long-term availability and optimal readability. If you are looking for manufacturers of HMI products in the electromedical sector, you should make sure that they offer products in accordance with the applicable standards and norms (DE 0750 standard, i.e. EN 60601-1 3rd Edition). To ensure electrical safety for patients and users (MOPP - Means of Patient Protection).

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 17. January 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes