The technology trend "Internet of Things" (IoT) will continue to play a pioneering role in the coming years and will be responsible for new products and services.

According to a new EITO studio entitled: "The Internet of Things in Europe: Driving Change in Every Industry - Bringing Opportunity for Every Tech Player.", it can be assumed that the European market for IoT will double to a volume of almost 250 billion euros by 2019.

Obstacles and opportunities

The study commissioned by Bitkom not only deals with the advantages of IoT, but also deals with the current status. Which obstacles still need to be overcome and provides an outlook on the European market with possible use cases (e.g. in the field of transport & logistics, connected driving or smart home) and product and service ideas for retailers and manufacturers. The main segments in the IT sector include, for example, hardware and services, followed by software and connectivity.

Further information on the study as well as a download option can be found under the URL published by the source.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 09. January 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes