Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) are essential in today's technology landscape, enabling seamless interaction between humans and machines. Traditionally, HMI development relied on proprietary software, which often came with high costs and limited flexibility. However, the advent of open-source solutions has revolutionized this field, providing more accessible, customizable, and cost-effective alternatives. This blog post delves into the benefits, key platforms, and practical applications of open-source HMI development.

The Rise of Open-Source HMI Solutions

Open-source HMI solutions have significantly impacted the industry by offering several advantages over traditional proprietary systems. One of the primary benefits is cost efficiency, as open-source software is typically free to use. This is particularly advantageous for startups and small businesses with limited budgets.

Flexibility and customization are other crucial advantages. Open-source platforms allow developers to modify the source code to meet specific requirements, ensuring that the HMI can be tailored to fit unique project needs. Moreover, the collaborative environment fostered by open-source communities promotes innovation and rapid development, as developers worldwide contribute to the software, providing bug fixes, updates, and new features.

Transparency and security are also enhanced with open-source software. The accessible code allows for thorough inspection and auditing, helping identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities more effectively.

Key Open-Source HMI Platforms

Several open-source platforms have emerged as leaders in HMI development, each offering unique features and capabilities. Here are some of the most notable ones:


Qt is a powerful framework widely used for developing cross-platform applications, including HMIs. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for creating sophisticated user interfaces. Qt applications can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and embedded systems, making it a versatile choice. Its integrated development environment, Qt Creator, simplifies the development process with features like code editing, debugging, and project management. The extensive documentation and robust community support further enhance its appeal to developers.


Designed specifically for industrial applications, OpenHMI focuses on providing tools for creating intuitive and efficient interfaces for control systems. Its modular architecture allows for scalable and maintainable HMIs by reusing and combining different modules. OpenHMI supports real-time data integration from various sources, enabling dynamic updates and monitoring of system parameters. The library of customizable widgets makes it easy to create tailored interfaces for specific industrial needs. Additionally, OpenHMI's support for multiple communication protocols ensures compatibility with different industrial devices and systems.


GTK+ (GIMP Toolkit) is primarily known for creating graphical user interfaces and is widely used in the GNOME desktop environment. However, it is also suitable for HMI development. GTK+ applications can run on Linux, Windows, and macOS, providing flexibility in deployment. It offers a rich set of widgets for building interactive interfaces, including buttons, sliders, and tree views. Developers can customize the appearance of GTK+ applications using themes and CSS-like styling. GTK+ provides bindings for various programming languages, such as C, Python, and JavaScript, allowing developers to work with their preferred language.


Processing is an open-source graphical library and integrated development environment aimed at visual arts and visual-based applications. While not traditionally used for HMI, it has gained popularity for its simplicity and effectiveness in creating interactive applications. Processing's syntax is simple and intuitive, making it accessible to artists, designers, and developers with varying levels of programming expertise. It is particularly suited for creating visual and interactive elements, making it an excellent choice for experimental and artistic HMIs. The wide range of libraries and extensions available for Processing extends its capabilities, from handling input devices to integrating with other software.

Practical Applications of Open-Source HMI

Open-source HMI solutions are being utilized across various industries, demonstrating their versatility and effectiveness. In industrial automation, HMIs are crucial for monitoring and controlling processes. Open-source solutions like OpenHMI are used to develop interfaces for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and other industrial control systems, allowing operators to visualize data, manage alarms, and control machinery.

The automotive industry leverages open-source HMI platforms to create in-vehicle infotainment systems, digital instrument clusters, and control interfaces for electric vehicles. Qt is commonly used to develop these interfaces, providing drivers with an intuitive and responsive experience.

In healthcare, HMIs are essential for medical devices, patient monitoring systems, and diagnostic equipment. Open-source solutions like GTK+ and Qt are utilized to develop user-friendly interfaces for these applications. The flexibility and customization options of open-source platforms enable the creation of interfaces that meet stringent regulatory requirements and enhance user experience.

The smart home industry uses open-source HMI solutions to develop control interfaces for home automation systems, smart appliances, and energy management systems. Processing, with its visual programming capabilities, is often employed to create interactive dashboards and control panels that allow users to manage their smart home devices effortlessly.

Consumer electronics, such as tablets, smartphones, and smart TVs, require HMIs that are both visually appealing and functional. Open-source platforms like Qt and GTK+ are used to design and develop these interfaces, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience.

Challenges and Considerations

While open-source HMI solutions offer numerous benefits, there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind. Developing HMIs with open-source platforms may require a learning curve, especially for developers new to the tools and frameworks. Adequate training and documentation are essential to overcome this hurdle.

Integrating open-source HMIs with existing legacy systems can be complex. Compatibility issues and the need for custom connectors or adapters may arise. Although open-source communities provide support, it may not always be as comprehensive or timely as commercial support. Organizations need to be prepared to handle maintenance and troubleshooting independently.

Security concerns are another important consideration. While open-source software is transparent, it requires diligent security practices. Regular updates, code reviews, and security audits are necessary to ensure the integrity of the HMI.


Open-source solutions for HMI development have transformed the way we interact with machines, offering cost-effective, flexible, and robust alternatives to proprietary software. Platforms like Qt, OpenHMI, GTK+, and Processing provide powerful tools for creating intuitive and engaging interfaces across various industries. While there are challenges to consider, the benefits of open-source HMIs, including cost efficiency, customization, community support, and transparency, make them a compelling choice for modern HMI development.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 25. April 2024
Reading time: 10 minutes