Monitor Industri
Perusahaan multi-teknologi 3M baru-baru ini meluncurkan layar sentuh Metal Mesh PCAP 65 "baru di DIGITAL SIGNAGE EXPO (DSE 2016) di Las Vegas. Menurut pabrikan, display akan tersedia dalam ukuran 32 - 65 ".
Fitur khusus teknologi yang dihadirkan oleh 3M adalah terobosan hambatan sebelumnya dari...
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Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, teknologi multi-touch telah berhasil merevolusi industri HMI dengan smartphone, tablet dan sejenisnya dan untuk menginspirasi masyarakat luas.
Layar sentuh mana untuk multitouch?
Multitouch sendiri berarti bahwa dua atau lebih titik sentuh dapat memicu sentuhan pada...
Kaca Impactinator®
Linear thermal expansion is a critical factor to consider in environments with wide temperature requirements. The problem is caused by different [thermal expansion coefficients of the touch screen materials] or the bezel structure.
##Basic Knowledge
Kaca Impactinator®
Heat Treating: Where the annealed glass is subjected to a special heat treatment in which it is heated to about 680°C and afterwards cooled.
Chemical Strengthening: The glass is covered by a chemical solution which produces a higher mechanical resistance. Chemically - strengthened glass has similar...
Kaca Impactinator®
a coating, which reduces the specular reflectance of a surface by increasing the diffuse reflectance from that surface
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Drift - a gradual loss of accuracy in the alignment of a touchscreen system. Over time, touches to the screen will gradually drift, or move away, from their proper on-screen targets. If the alignment of a touchscreen becomes poor, the touchscreen will need to be calibrated to restore proper...
Kaca Impactinator®
Gloss Level - a measure of the amount of non-specularly or diffusely reflected light from a surface. A highly diffuse surface has a low gloss level.
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Decibel (dB) - a unit of power loss or attenuation used in EMI/RFI shielding:
1 decibel = 10 log (Power in/Power out).
A 3dB loss is a fifty percent power reduction.
Kaca Impactinator®
Kaca adalah bahan anorganik, non-logam yang tidak memiliki struktur kristal. Bahan-bahan semacam itu disebut amorf dan praktis merupakan cairan padat yang didinginkan begitu cepat sehingga kristal tidak dapat terbentuk.
Kacamata khas berkisar dari kaca silikat soda-kapur untuk botol kaca hingga...
Kaca Impactinator®
Hydrofluoric acid is a solution of hydrogen fluoride in water. While it is extremely corrosive and dangerous to handle, it is technically a weak acid. Hydrogen fluoride, often in the aqueous form as hydrofluoric acid, is a valued source of fluorine, being the precursor to numerous pharmaceuticals (...
An introduction into the various common types of touch screen technology and the method of their operation. Strengths and weaknesses of each technology will also be discussed to provide a better understanding as to which type would be best to use in any given application.
Kaca Impactinator®
Ohms/square (?/_) - the measure of electrical resistance of a coating.
Kaca Impactinator®
Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) - dikenal sebagai indium timah oksida di negara-negara berbahasa Jerman. Zat kimia semikonduktor.
Kaca Impactinator®
Caustic chemicals that can destroy or severely damage the flesh on contact. Such chemicals include various inorganic and organic acids and bases. The most familiar chemicals called caustics are sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, or lye) and potassium hydroxide (caustic potash). Other chemicals are...
MIL-STD-461E: DOD Interface Standard Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment (August 20, 1999)
Consolidates MIL-STD-461D and MIL-STD-462D into one Standard. EUT hardware and software must be representative of production....
Kaca Impactinator®
a coating, which reduces the reflectance of a surface by better optical coupling to the surface and therefore increasing the overall transmittance
Kaca Impactinator®
Kabut asap adalah parameter optik yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perilaku hamburan suatu material atau struktur optik.
The touch screen surface is unaffected by exposure to the following chemicals for a period of one hour at 22 degrees C, 45% relative humidity.
Layar sentuh
Sebagai pedoman kasar, Anda dapat menghitung $ 6400 biaya satu kali. Selain itu, ada pembelian sekitar 50 buah layar sentuh pribadi Anda.
Nilai ini dapat berubah jika opsi khusus pelanggan khusus telah dipilih, seperti:
Pelapis anti-reflektif optik
Ketebalan kaca substrat khusus
Layar sentuh
Jika Anda mengoperasikan pengontrol melalui USB, tidak diperlukan catu daya eksternal. Pengontrol ditenagai langsung melalui bus USB. Saat beroperasi melalui RS232, Anda memerlukan catu daya eksternal +5V.
Dengan pengontrol standar kami untuk layar sentuh resistif analog 4.5 dan 8, pin 4 harus...