This June, the independent information company IDTechEx published a new industry analysis with market forecasts for "Transparent Conductive Films" for the years 2015 to 2025. The company has been monitoring and analyzing the market for transparent conductive film materials for the past 5 years.

By the end of the analysis period, more than 40 innovators, suppliers and end users had been interviewed on the topic, conferences were organized and attended worldwide, and detailed and constantly updated forecasts and data sheets on the results were prepared and passed on to customers.

TCF will reach $1.2 billion by 2025

As a result, IDTech was ultimately able to maintain a strong relationship with key players in the industry and thus gain an unparalleled direct insight into what is happening in the market. Interested readers can read the results of this long-term analysis in the new IDTechEx Research Report on Transparent Conductive Films (TCF) 2015-2025.

The report is intended to clearly show that there is still a lot going on in the TCF market segment. The U.S. market for Transparent Conductive Films (TCF) is expected to reach the $1.2 billion mark by 2025 (excluding ITO-on glass, LCD and OLED displays).

ITO continues to be the market leader

ITO is expected to continue to dominate the market for PCAP touchscreen applications, but ITO alternatives such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, silver nanowires or metal mesh are also on the rise. They are predicted to have a total market value of more than $430 million by 2025.

Transparent Conductive Films (TCF) 

Touch-related applications dominate

Currently, touch-related applications still dominate the sales of TCF films. The market share of non-touch-related applications is currently less than 5%, but according to the IDTech report, a possible 17% mark is expected by 2025.

The full report "Transparent Conductive Films (TCF) 2015-2025: Forecasts, Markets, Technologies" with detailed information and further forecasts can be purchased at the URL of our source on the IDTechEx website.

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 06. April 2023
Reading time: 3 minutes