At the beginning of February 2014, US designer Matthaeus Krenn from San Francisco designed a new type of surface control system for touchscreens for navigation and infotainment purposes in cars. With the help of this alternative operating concept, he wants to make it easier for drivers to operate while driving and thus help them to keep their eyes on the road.

Simple operating concept with a big impact

The operating concept developed by Krenn is simple and is controlled by the use of different numbers of fingers and their distance from each other. A total of eight functions are available. The driver can select the music source, set its volume, as well as regulate the temperature and ventilation. Which movements he uses to perform which action is up to him and can be adjusted in the settings. No matter where the fingers are located on the touchscreen, the respective upward or downward movement with the appropriately configured finger gesture is carried out relatively error-free. According to the designer, the whole thing has only been tested with the iPad so far. The German online magazine Golem has confirmed a successful test on an Android tablet Nexus 10 in an article about this.

If you would like to learn more about the new Car UI, you can watch the video below and find more information at the following URL:

Christian Kühn

Christian Kühn

Updated at: 23. June 2023
Reading time: 2 minutes