
Touch Screen
For seven years, industry analyst NanoMarkets has been following the global market for transparent electrical conductors (TCs = Transparent Conductors). With its market analyses, the company provides reliable insider knowledge and regularly makes it available to the public. According to the latest…
Industrial Monitor
The US company Corning, Inc., based in Corning, New York, produces glass, ceramics and related materials for industrial and scientific applications. One of Corning's best-known products is Gorilla Glass, which was launched in 2007 in the first iPhone. It is an aluminosilicate glass with a thickness…
Touch Screen
Metal Mesh as a competitor for ITO Not so long ago, the use of metal meshes as transparent electrical conductors (TCs) was unthinkable. The reason was the insufficient transparency of the product. Since this performance deficit is now a thing of the past, Metal Mesh is proving to be a serious…
Touch Screen
The website of the American Chemical Society (ACS) recently published an article on "Ultra-thin transparent conductive polyimide film with embedded silver nanowires" by Spain-based scientists Dhriti Sundar Ghosh, Tong Lai Chen, Vahagn Mkhitaryan, and Valerio Prunéri.
Industrial Monitor
Touchscreens are used everywhere these days, from smartphones to tablets and PCs to interactive digital display screens. Most touchscreens are made from layered thin films of indium tin oxide (an inorganic, electrically conductive transparent material).
Touch Screen
The display market needs more different solutions for differentiation. Touchscreen displays come with different shapes on top layers: sensor-on-lens (SoL) or simple glass solution (OGS), glass-film (GF), glass-film-film (GFF), and some more.
Industrial Monitor
We have often reported that graphene is one of the hardest and most resilient materials in the world. Graphene is a chemical relative of diamonds, coal or the graphite of pencil leads - only better. It is also called a "miracle material" by some people, because with only one atomic layer, it is one…
Touch displays that are used in the medical field, such as in the operating room, dental medicine, patient registration or patient monitoring, must meet special requirements. Companies in the technical healthcare sector should only rely on specialized providers in this area. Since they often have…
Industrial Monitor
At the beginning of November 2013, the Japanese authors of the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Ono, Agari, Mori, Imamura, Miyayama, Nakamura and Nakagawa published their development success of large-area high-performance projected capacitive touchscreens (PCAP) in the 44th edition of the SID…
Touch Screen
Japanese researchers at Tohoku University have recently found that a surface-assisted chemical reaction provides unprecedented control over graphene nanoribbons for future nanodevices. The AIMR (Advanced Institute of Materials Research) research team, led by Prof. Patrick Han and Prof. Taro…
Since we rely completely on Apple and OSX for our PC hardware, even before the iPhone / iPad hype, it was not so easy to find a high-quality CAD system that meets our requirements. To be honest, most applications are more in the semi-professional corner. Even on Windows platform, there are not so…
Touch Screen
The University of Manchester is planning to build a Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) at a cost of around £60 million. According to the university's press release, the facility will be critical in the development of commercial applications and will maintain the UK's global leadership in…
Industrial Monitor
In November 2014, the American web platform "Research and Markets", which offers a large collection of independent industry reports and forecasts on various topics, published a market report on capacitive sensors for non-glass surfaces (covers). The report is titled "Non-Glass Capacitive Sensors…
Industrial Monitor
The US company Spike Aerospace, headquartered in Boston, MA, reported on its new innovation, the Spike S-512 Supersonic Jet, in a blog post at the beginning of the year. In the future, passengers will be able to travel from New York City to London in less than 4 hours, or from Las Vegas to Tokyo in…
Touch Screen
Cambrios Technologies Corporation, the market leader in silver nanowire technology (SNW), announced the launch of its next generation of ClearOhm® material in early October 2014. Silver nanowire technology has many advantages for next-generation devices, including curved or rollable touchscreens.…
Industrial Monitor
As we recently learned, Tactus Technology and Wistron Corporation announced their strategic manufacturing and investment partnership on their website in mid-April 2014. California-based Tactus Technology is a pioneer in on-demand tactile surface development. And Wistron Corporation is one of the…
Industrial Monitor
Bob Mackey has been a Senior Scientist at the US company Synaptics since 2002. During the "Printed Electronics Europe 2013 Conference" in April 2013, he gave a presentation on "Is Metal Mesh the ITO Replacement for Touch Screens?" (Is Metal Mesh the ideal replacement for ITO in the field of…
Touch Screen
In April of this year, the Swiss research institution "Empa", headed by Prof. Dr. Ayodhya Tiwari, announced a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly production method for transparently conductive coatings in the ETH Domain. How they are used as so-called TCO's in tablets, laptops,…
Embedded HMI
At the beginning of February 2014, US designer Matthaeus Krenn from San Francisco designed a new type of surface control system for touchscreens for navigation and infotainment purposes in cars. With the help of this alternative operating concept, he wants to make it easier for drivers to operate…
Industrial Monitor
Wearable electronic devices (wearables) are becoming more and more popular, so we won't tell you anything new. There are now more and more touchscreen manufacturers who use new manufacturing processes to produce flexible touch surfaces. The brittle and less flexible glass surface has become…